About Us

New Players Team

We are an innovative, effective and passionate team of experienced business trainers who have been cooperating with each other for over 20 years.

  • We help organizations unleash their employees’ potential.
  • We take into account the needs of your organization and the people who make it work.
  • We support our clients at every stage of the process.

Team New Players

Our Values

  • Competitiveness – we ensure the highest standard of service and a reliable flow of information.
  • Continuous development – we are always developing new and original solutions.
  • Integrity – professional ethics is as vital as customer satisfaction in our work.
  • Respect – empathy and honesty are the cornerstone of effective teamwork.
  • Partnership – it is at the core of a successful team.

What do we do in practice?

  • we design post-training games that motivate employees, boost sales, improve management techniques and replicate real-life challenges to develop the desired set of competences at work.
  • we offer efficient sales trainings, soft skills mentoring and coaching in communication.
  • we consult on people management based on post-training games.
  • We individually coach managers and sales staff
  • we promote the development of skills through various trainings at management and workforce levels.
  • we extend the impact of our courses by using innovative solutions i.e. post-training games to reinforce fresh knowledge and positive habits, which help to strengthen changes in your organization.
  • we regulate tensions and conflicts within your organization, thus ensuring business results and better cooperation.

Who Are We?

Our team combines expertise in psychology, education, coaching, and business with competence in sales and management for both big corporations and small companies. We are reliable partners, whether for clients in the market for continued development support, or those in need of one-off training sessions. We are well aware of the development needs of both large corporations and small businesses, and for many years we have been successful in training and coaching employees. We offer advice and provide regular mentoring sessions at a senior level. We are convinced that creativity is the best way to build a business. What makes us different from our competitors is that we are not afraid of unconventional ways of structuring our trainings. We are therefore better able to suggest personalized and original solutions for our customers.

We believe that acquiring new skills is a process. Training courses are only the first step: staff must be offered the opportunity to practice what they have learned in order to make training successful. POST-TRAINING GAMES facilitate this process. They provide a collaborative, interactive, and competitive framework for the long-term acquisition of knowledge and skills, ensuring that new competences become second nature to employees.